We all are truly blessed with this sport and it's people. A great Tournament Director and staff are always a good sign to a great tournament series. First place for the tournament was a local High School student who is on the high school fishing team. Now that's is definitely a team sport I wish they had when I was high school. If you got a child, relative, or know of a kid in your neighborhood who likes to fish, please take a kid fishing, you really can change a life. They learn many life lessons from ethics, to backing down a ramp, to common courtesy (which some of us lack at times-me included). In the end it really isn't about the amount of the check or
how big the fish was. It's about what we leave our kids and our Grand-kids and so forth. We only live so long on this place called Earth. Enjoy your time in Gods creation .
Basscat Boats, Bullshoals Lake Boat Dock, Denali Fishing Rods, French & Hardin Farms, Fin to Fur, Jennybugs Plastic Baits, Macs Custom Crankbaits, Mercury Outboards, Motorguide Trolling Motors, Pure Fishing Products, and Underbite Custom Tackle